The following is a list of commonly used verbs taking ‘de’ with a noun or pronoun:-
Abusar de | To abuse | Dudar de | To doubt |
Acordarse de | To remember | Enterarse de | To enquire about |
Alimentarse de | To feed on | Gozar de | To enjoy |
Asustarse de | To be frightened | Informarse de | To be informed about |
Burlarse de | To make fun of | Maravillarse de | To wonder at |
Cambiar de | To change | Olvidar(se) de | To forget |
Carecer de | To lack | Pasar de | To exceed |
Compadecerse de | To be sorry for | Reírse de | To laugh at |
Darse cuenta de | To realise | Servirse de | To use |
Depender de | To depend on | Triunfar de | To triumph over |
Desconfiar de | To mistrust | Vengarse de | To take revenge for |
Disfrutar de | To enjoy | | |
The following is a list of commonly used verbs taking ‘a’ with a noun or pronoun:-
Acercarse a | To approach | Fiarse a | To trust |
Aproximarse a | To approach | Llegar a | To reach (place) |
Arrimarse a | To lean against | Oler a | To smell of |
Asemejarse a | To resemble | Oponerse a | To oppose |
Asomarse a | To lean out of | Parecerse a | To resemble |
Asistir a | To attend | Renunciar a | To renounce |
Dar a | To overlook | Resistir a | To resist |
Faltar a | To break promise | Saber a | To taste of, smack of |
The following is a list of commonly used verbs which take a preposition in English but in Spanish take a direct object:-
Agradecer | To be grateful for | Mirar | To look at |
Aguantar | To put up with | Pedir | To ask for |
Aprovechar | To take advantage of | Recordar | To remind of |
Buscar | To look for | Reprochar | To reproach with |
Cuidar | To look after | Señalar | to point to |
Escuchar | To listen to | Sentir | To be sorry about |
Esperar | To wait for | Soportar | To put up with |
Some Spanish verbs change meaning when followed by a specific preposition:-
Acordarse con | To agree with | Acordarse de | To remember |
Contar | To count, relate | Contar con | To count, rely on |
Convenir a | To suit | Convenir con | To agree with |
Entender | To understand | Entender de | To know all about |
Preguntar | To ask a question | Preguntar por | To ask for |
Saber | To know | Saber de | To know about |
The following verbs take the preposition a with persons to translate ‘from’ or ‘of’:-
Arrancar | To snatch | Pedir | To ask for |
Comprar | To buy | Quitar | To take away from |
Esconder | To hide | Robar | To steal |
Ocultar | To conceal | Tomar | To take |
Examples: Me robó el dinero a mí, he stole the money from me.
Compró el coche al profesor, he bought the car from the teacher.
Compró el coche al profesor, he bought the car from the teacher.
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