jueves, 6 de enero de 2011


Idioms: Transitive Verbs with Immovable Particles

The idioms below are made of a transitive verb + an immoveable particle. Although the particle can sometimes be placed after the noun phrase, an adverb cannot come between the verb and the particle.

You should understand these expressions, know other ways of saying the same thing, and know which of these synonyms to use in a particular context. You can learn a lot about an idiom if you look at the context of its use. Try to guess the meaning of each idiom as it is used in the following sentences. Then, click on any idiom for complete explanations and examples, but be aware that these expressions may have other meanings not listed here. Remember: you can use Word Neighbors to find out how frequently any expression is used in English.

1. If you believe in telling the truth, you should never lead someone on.

2. My work has never been found so poor that I've had to do it over again.

3. Alzheimer's is a disease that affects memory to such an extent that sufferers often can't tell even loved ones apart.

4. His parents were taking a week off to visit his grandparents, so he went to the airport to see them off.

5. Because my assistant was not familiar with the details of the new plan, I filled him in during lunch.

6. I can't go out with my friends every night like I used to because my job and my family really tie me down.

7. Before we talk over the plan with the boss, let's kick it around for a while to make sure we agree on all the details.

8. Fifty states, including Alaska and Hawaii, make up the United States.

9. He took up the job as CEO last March.

10. He was accused of putting forth little effort while he was in the post.

11. The exchange of stocks is no longer carried on on the floor of the NY Stock Exchange, as it once was.

12. Some research has indicated that it is more difficult to give up smoking than it is to give up heroin.

13. A skunk is a small black animal, with a white stripe down its back, which gives off a terrible smell.

14. When you researched the problem, did you find out the solution?

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